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I met up with my best friend(who lives near dallas) from college the day after mother's day to catch up on life. She and I both had boys 4 weeks apart. No, it was not planned that way BUT we sure are happy to have boys together. Anyway, I got to see her precious boy and she got to see mine. We took pictures of the boys together so someday we could scrapbook the event...ha ha! I just wanted to share with y'all what they were doing while we were busy snapping away! I love this one below! It was a great time and I think they are just the cutest baby boys!

Well, it was just one of those nights. Baby bear would not go to sleep. He was hungry, exhausted, and could not decide which he wanted more or needed more of. He typically falls asleep about 10:00 p.m. and sleeps for a few and then gets another feeding. Anyway, he did finally fall asleep at around 12:30 a.m. Needless to say he is a little off his "normal" schedule. I say normal loosely since he is only 6 1/2 weeks old. I think I got to bed around 1:00 a.m. and pappa bear sometime after that. He wanted to make sure baby bear was sleeping. I am not exactly sure how much sleep we both actually got but I can assure you it is not enough. I think our sleeping days are over. I now, know why parents of young ones have bags under their eyes. Well, I always knew why but I have "empathy" for them and (sigh)me too! I am just glad that baby bear finally got some rest earlier today. He is now awake and enjoying the day with his "sleepy" parents. I think somehow the joke is on us. I am laughing on the inside. No really I am. I am so grateful to have a sweet, easy going baby! Though earlier today baby bear smiled and giggled at the same time. Yeah, I am so proud!!!
Many blessings to you all and get some zzzzz's!
Well, well well..mommy land has taken me away from blogworld, email land, and other such stuff. I love being mommy but wow, where do moms find the time for stuff. Anyway, if you don't know by now HE IS HERE!!!! My sweet baby boy!!! Jonathan is what we decided to name him. It is one of our favorite bible stories! Truthfully, I love the meaning of the name.."precious gift from the Lord." Plus, my brother's name is John. I just wanted y'all all to know that I am still alive. I have been so busy getting use to mommy-hood that I forgot about my own blog. Thank y'all for your prayers. I will try to keep y'all posted.