Dear Aunt Geraldine and Uncle Gene,
You may be gone from this world but I know you are watching me from above. Mommy says that I would have loved your sense of humor Uncle Gene and your love for family Aunt Geraldine. She also says that you both loved the Holidays! Mommy loves the Holidays too. You can see from my picture above what a cute pumpkin I am gonna be for Halloween. Mommy talks about y'all all the time and occasionally will start to laugh out loud because of something she recalls from the past. My mommy likes to laugh! She is funny and makes me smile. Mommy also says that it is her job to teach me about Heaven! It sounds like an exciting place! Tomorrow we are suppose to say "goodbye" to you, Uncle Gene. They call it a celebration of life. Mommy says we have a lot to be grateful for because of all that you have taught her in her life. Thanks for teaching my mommy! Oh, Aunt Geraldine mommy says that you both are just alike so in a way I am getting to know you =0). Tell Jesus I said "hi."
love Jonathan