You know I like cleaning out things and making it more organized. I like to see the end results of my hard work. However, this time it was hard. I packed up my baby's clothing ranging from 6-12 months. I cried. I know it is "just" stuff but for me it is so much more. I have so many wonderful memories of him in certain outfits. I know it sounds crazy. I thought it would be easier this time. I was wrong! I took one more look at that beautiful multi-colored sweater that he wore when he said "momma" for the first time. I know the date, time, place, and what we both were wearing. I gently folded and packed it away. I looked at the many different sizes of shoes that he wore. I shook my head in disbelief ''did he really grow that fast?" I gathered all his firsts, his first thanksgiving outfit, his Christmas p.j.'s, his Valentine shirt, and the list goes on. I am so grateful that I have so many pictures of all these events and milestones in his life. Even if I didn't, no camera can capture or compare to the memory a momma has stored in her heart. I often think of Mary in the bible during times like these. I wonder what moments she captured in her heart about her son's life. I know of the account in Luke 2:9
"But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart."
Here is to many more memories and packing stuff away...." I love you son!"
Awe! I know what you mean. I am getting ready to go through all the girls' clothes to hand over to my younger sister since we won't be needing the smaller ones anymore. It will be hard to pick just a few to keep and pass along to the girls. So many wonderful memories...Love ya!