Monday, March 18, 2013


I realize I have been away a lot longer than I had intended. It has been a busy 6 weeks. Well, really this year has been busy and it is only March! I must admit I have not read a blog in over month. Also, on a personal note I have gone a little inward. I am not an emotional person but the last few weeks have swept over me like a roller coaster. Then it hit me this weekend as to why I have struggled a bit with my emotions. This week will be the first anniversary of the passing of my dad. Though I knew it, it seems to hit you in different moments and times. So, my friends if I appear silent this is the reason. Just pray over me and love me right where I am. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. Maybe someday I will be able to offer up wisdom. For now, I am silent.

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