This weekend we went to the Galveston Aquarium at The Moody Gardens!

Baby Bear got to ride in just the stroller part of the travel system. He loves it!

Momma crocs, baby crocs.
We had such a wonderful time at the Aquarium! We discovered that baby bear likes fishes on the weekend of Father's Day at Rainforest Cafe. If anybody has been there then you know that they have a large fish tank. Anyway, we thought a trip to the "big" aquarium would be fun. Plus the temperature is at a cool level inside! We have been to the "downtown" aquarium and it was fun BUT NOT AS BIG as this one! Baby bear got to travel in just the stroller part of the travel system so that was a big deal for him(and us). He now fits into his baby crocs just like momma wears. Our first stop....The Sea Lions! Baby bear "caught on"quick to where we had taken him and what we were doing. He was so fascinated by it all! Here are a few pics!

We got to see the Sea Turtles, Sharks, Penguins, and much more.

On the way over to the Aquarium, we kept telling baby bear there is a big tunnel that we go under and it has sharks, fishes, and other sea life all around you. I think he must have understood some of what we were saying to him because he stayed awake till the very end where the tunnel was located. We had no idea it was at the end of the self guided tour. Once we got there, he lit up like a Christmas Tree. He smiled so big!! Here is the pic!

He really enjoyed himself and so did we! He lasted over 2 hours until he go to see that tunnel. I really believe that! Anyway, he was exhausted when all was said and done!

awe...ain't life grand! We got home late but early enough for a bath and bed time! Little did we know that hubby was gonna get tons of phone calls from work all through the night. The whole team was up working. SO, NO SLEEP HERE for the both of us! Last night was worst! Just an F.Y.I. for those of you wondering why we didn't make it to church. We are sad we missed it!