Friday, January 22, 2010

PCP, Toddler Bed, Moms-n-Muffins

I thought I would play "catch up" since I am a bit behind on my posts. The week of Jan.4-9 was a tough week here at our house. First, we had to replace our plumbing system or should I say the entire P.C.P. piping line that runs from our house to where it connects to the city line. This was an unexpected cost but we made it through without putting us in debt. The company was here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of that week. We thought at first it was just stomped up but we soon discovered through the miracle of a camera lens we had a much bigger problem. We had 3 breaks in our line and 2 spots where the piping was bowed in the ground.


Next ,our son decided to climb over his crib 3 times in one night. He is 3 ft. tall so all he has to do his swing his leg over and BOOM! Needless to say it scared us and we do not need a trip to the emergency room during this "lean time." Saturday we ran around town spending money on his bed rails to ensure his safety. Yep, we bit the bullet and decided to move him to a toddler bed W-a-Y before momma was ready! The first few nights were tough. We laid on the floor for about 30 mins. to make sure he was asleep. After, a few nights he did not need us to do that for him. We now read a book or two, say prayers, hugs, kisses, and say "night night." He falls asleep in his toddler bed on his own. Occasionally we have to walk back in there to lay him down again but it only takes a couple of times.

Then we had a wonderful event at our son's school. It is called Moms and Muffins! All the moms have breakfast with their children at school.  I have looked forward to moments such as these and I enjoy them so! Plus, we had a shirt that matched the event!

I have so much to share with you but I do not want to overload you! So, I will save the other happenings  for another post! God bless y'all and please continue to pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Such a big boy now! Love you Jonathan!
