Write me a letter it probably wouldn't be a very nice one. It would have words that involve neglect and unloved in it. Though I personally have not meant to do those things, I have! So here is my apology. I am so sorry for the lack of attention that you have gotten lately. However, I am sure there will be more times in the future where I will slip.
A wanna be blog writer
Now, that I have THAT off my chest we can move forward. So where have I been? Everywhere, no where, somewhere and well here! The last 2 months have flown by so quickly that I have to really stop and think about where all the time has gone. We(book club) finished One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff. I LOVE book club! We all have different opinions and are able to bring them to the table with respect for each other. This group has really helped me step into some roles that before I would not have considered. I thank them for loving me! Our latest, greatest challenge and I do mean CHALLENGE is 31 Days to Clean(having a Martha house the Mary way). Oh ladies, it is waaayyyy more than "just" cleaning. It will be interesting what is "uncovered" in the next month or so.
Our lil man finished his first year at his new preschool here in Austin. He really enjoyed his year! He made good friends that we have had a few play dates with them already this summer! I know I mentioned before that he turned 4 but I never posted about his birthday gathering. It was just us! GrandParents became ill that weekend and we had only invited a few friends. Two of his friends were from the neighborhood who moved away on the same day as his party. Bummer! The other two we invited were from out of town so we told them we would catch up on another weekend. Part of me felt bad but it was just an unusual set of circumstances that were out of my hands. One lesson learned is whether we have many friends or just us as a family, he stilled enjoyed himself. It saved my pocket book for sure!
Son calls this his Dirt Digger Cake or better known as The Construction Site Cake |
Another lesson I learned was about his gluten free cake or at least the baking process. I need to double the recipe for a height purposes. It was not as thick as I needed for this particular theme but it was still very good!
Then we celebrated Easter! This year we had time to decorate our own eggs. It was a lot of fun!
Of course it was all about Spider-man. I am not sure what made him latch on to Spider-man but he did. I think it may be the cool colors and mask!
Stay tuned for more updates and hopefully it will be sooner than later. I pray all is well in y'all's precious homes.
lots of love