So, we waited until his second time to be awake to open presents. Otherwise everyone would have to get up at 5 a.m. Yuck! It was around 9:30 when we started the festivities! We decided that I would carry baby bear into the living room and show him his car! He was so excited to see all the gifts. I think he enjoyed the wrapping paper as much as anything.

He really enjoyed us putting him in the car. He knew exactly what to do! Hands on the wheel and go! Must be a boy/male thing. =0)

He got so excited that he giggled! I love these pictures. We also got him a swing for the outside porch. We really wanted to buy him some outside toys that he could play with. A swing and a car seem to be our best choices. You can't go wrong with a radio flyer! Anyway, the bucket swing was a hit!

Grandpa and daddy held the chains up on each end so baby would know what it was for. He thought it was funny being swung by his daddy and grandpa. Then we opened all the other gifts. From the pictures below you can see he had a big Christmas!

I know what you are thinking. We went overboard! Just remember we had grandparents there too with all their gifts. I have always loved Christmas. It is not about the gift giving or receiving. It is all my family together in one room! Singing, laughing, telling funny stories, enjoying each other's company, and just the love that fills the room from each person. It makes me feel all warm inside. The world is right for a few moments. However, this Christmas meant more to me than words can even express on paper or verbally. I loved watching my son open all his gifts and seeing that beautiful smile, smile back at me. It makes me melt! I turned to hubby after baby had open all his gifts to say ," My Christmas is complete. I don't need to open my presents that are under the tree. The best gift of all is sitting right in front of me." Hubby leaned over to kiss me and nodded his head in agreement. The scripture that came to mind is found in Luke 2:19 " But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart." This was right after Jesus was born. I now know how Mary felt. Just like Mary this momma was storing treasures in her heart on Christmas day.
Merry Christmas y'all!!!