Do not travel beyond this point when bighorn sheep are present.
our view while on our walk/bike ride
After our fun day around town by bike and stroller we had dinner with my brother and his family. It was such a great time! I have missed my brother so much but count my blessings that he is still with me here on this earth. Plus, my sister in law is the best. He did good by picking her. We are so grateful that God sent Amy to us.
basketball with Uncle John David
It was really neat to see my little man with the cousins. He really enjoyed playing with older boys and would want to model what they do. I just wished we lived close by each other so we could enjoy more moments such as these. I am so grateful to savor every moment. It also reminded me of how little man seems to really enjoy the company of other kids around him. There is something to be said for having brothers and sisters around you when growing up. I love that he has so much fun with others.
Flowers were planted all around the town center.
Just part of our beautiful walk!
Kind Coffee and it really was good & kind!
perfect ending to a perfect day!
Yep, we're not in Kansas anymore! Colorado's sign is beautiful!
Colorado's visitor center. It was small but clean. We like stopping at the visitor centers because you get all kinds of free information about the state. Trust me it is different then when you call them and ask them to send you free pamphlets. They only send a few and this way when you do stop you get to pick and choose. We did stop here for awhile to stretch our legs.
The nice thing about this visitor center was the play area outside and inside. It wasn't nothing special but a nice place to roam. What is it about boys and trees?
Uncle John David and cousin Troy