Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Root Beer(PEMDAS-Please Experiment Mathematically, Directly And Scientifically)

There is not a specific recipe for making root beer from the group experiment today. We participated in a science lab to learn about root beer and the process of making it! So, you can go here for a recipe that came close to it. PEMDAS is the name of the group that organizes the science & math labs. 

We have joined a home school group, The Little Texas Homeschoolers in our area that offers varies activities for anyone to be a part of. It varies from science, math, plays, language & arts, games and many many other wonderful subjects. It is not everyday or every week. Science & Math are once a month. This month was about Root Beer! This was our first time to participate in the adventure.  I was very impressed with this husband and wife team that put together a root beer experiment. First, they bought an old farm house on on acre in the middle of the city and the backyard is every child's dream. Swings of all kinds, slides, trampoline, play house, homemade teeter toter and many many other things for a child to create or dream up for play time. Plus it was shady with lots of trees! 

The husbands stays home on Tuesdays to teach science and math for his family. Then he helps his wife with the science and math experiments for group learning on the second Tuesday of every month. Very impressive indeed. 

Anyway, they explained how sodas become carbonated. They showed a yeast version of root beer and a dry ice version. Also, they had different flavorings for the root beer. It was interesting! Little man did not want to taste but I did. Vanilla was my favorite. 

What I love about being part of this group is you can participate as much as you want to. Some come to every event and others come only a few times a year. Very nice to not be pressured and yet welcomed to any event! Enjoy the pictures below! 

Best part of the whole day was little man made a new friend. His mom invited us over for some play time earlier this afternoon. For only knowing each other less than 2 minutes they sure do get along. His new friend was so sweet to take him under his wing. 

"I truly enjoy this time in my life."

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