Tuesday, July 31, 2012

For Once

Just once I would like someone, anyone to post on their blog a REAL menu plan. What do I mean? I want a menu full of fruits, vegetables, meats, minimum to zero carbs and possibly gluten free! Is that too much to ask? You see I LOVE it when people say, "yep, I menu planned and fed my family for a whole month for $400." Really? Then I LOOK at the menu to find it is full of white pasta, canned goods and other unhealthy items. I always want to challenge them with questions such as; does your family drink milk? Do they eat cheese? Those 2 items alone can throw anyone's budget out the door. I KNOW I am asking a lot. You see hubby has a wheat allergy so gluten free is a must. Then you throw in my problems. Well, you can see how hard it is for me to menu plan under $400 or even close to it. I don't buy gluten free products like the pastas and the breads. Too expensive. Plus, hubby has given up most carbs anyhow so that puts a damper on menu planning on the cheap even the healthy way! So, anyone know of a blogger that could come close to my requirements? I need YOUR help!!!!! Any ideas????


  1. Does cereal for dinner count as a menu item? Because at the Sullivan house that is on our menu plan! Ha.

  2. I follow this blog on Pinterest. Maybe she has something useful for you!

  3. Where'd my comment from yesterday go? Strange...I posted yesterday that I think the "Skinny Rules" from Bob Harper fits your bill - I have been doing it for 3 weeks and it seems fairly cost-effective and it certainly meets your other requirements. I like it (and have lost 8 lbs in 2.5 weeks!)

  4. Have you looked into emealz? It think they have a gluten free plan and a clean eating plan. Not sure if any of them would work for you...but worth a look??

    1. Long time ago I did emealz. Looks like I need to take a second look. Thanks!
