Monday, July 16, 2012

ThredUp & Mamapedia

Do you ever get tired of the "what to do with my children's old clothes" routine? Yes, I give them away, donate or trade them in at a local second hand shop. Sometimes, those options are less than stellar when you are in a time crunch. Lately people that I have passed clothes to don't need them and the second hand shops have been loaded down with mommies running in trying to get extra cash. I am not a fan of crowds or things that will suck more time out of me than give me what I really need! I could consider a garage sale but why do I feel the need to up my dosage on headache medicine when I hear those words? Well, I believe I have found a better way! At least for me!

ThredUp is the perfect idea for those in a time crunch and yet want to benefit from cleaning out old stuff and gain a little extra. Here is their concept.

1. You pay 4.95 for a big bag to stuff those clothes in to come to your door(you will get this deposit
    back when you return the bag)
2. Stuff the bag & send it back
3. Earn cash for every item that they can resell online

They have a "curious what you would get paid for" button. You can enter in brand name, clothing type and size to gain a little insight on what your child's clothes are worth.

OR SHOP....Yes, very brilliant idea! Simply brilliant. No crowds, save on fuel, save on clothes and maybe earn a little back. WIN WIN! (are you kicking yourself like me for not thinking of it sooner?)

Go here for rules, restrictions and all that applies

BUT WAIT! You can try ThredUp online for a discount! I believe it is to buy clothes but you can read the rules and restrictions on their site. 

I have a deal for you! Now, I know you are familiar with Groupon, Living Social, Rue La La and other such wonderful discounted sites. Do you know about Mamapedia? You probably do ;0(. I am always late in the game. I have subscribe to their deals for over 2 years now. I am very selective on what I do "buy" in to. This weeks deal has ThredUp in the line up. If you have not subscribe to Mamapedia then consider putting my name down as a referral. I would  appreciate it!

I will give you an update once I complete my ThredUp bag! Happy shopping and cleaning out!

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