Joshua 22:5 "Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
So today is THE LAST POST of this series. If you are still with me reading the series, God Bless You! Thank you for your encouragement and friendship. I would've have never done this if it weren't for the creative mind of the Nester and The Holy Spirit pricking at my heart. So I am grateful to them both for the spiritual growth that I journeyed this month.
For those of you who didn't join me, well I don't blame ya. I am sure if you were like me in the beginning thinking everyone does service but no one advertises it or blogs about it. You are right! I could leave it at that and make you feel good about maybe some judgements you may have made about me. Maybe you were thinking, she is narcissistic or just plain crazy. Crazy part for sure! Narcissistic, nah not so much. Wrong girl! Maybe you even thought she wants recognition. I wouldn't blame you one bit for thinking any of those thoughts. BUT I will stand up for myself and I say this "you would be wrong!"
So why? Why this for 31 Days? Well, when you get inside the Lord's head, you let me know. Instead of why this how about why not this and why not me? I do know what I have learned for 31 days. I have learned....(or reminded, I need that a lot).
Service does not have to be BIG to be meaningful
Service is never convenient(it is not about you so why would it be?)
When you step out of the seat of judging who is "worthy" then Jesus will always WIN
You don't have to be equipped(in my head perfect). Just be ready to go. HE will give you what you need when you need it . The key is let HIM do the guiding.
When I step out on FAITH The Lord will always deliver the one whom needs the service.
He will always provide the right service before you when you ask HIM to keep your eyes open.
My prayers have changed from provide the opportunity to HELP ME SEE THE OPPORTUNITY and give me the courage to follow through.
If you dream about it more then likely you need to do it.
Service is sometimes messy and scary. That is okay and I am learning to be okay with it because it is about the Message not the messenger.
My attitude good or bad can change the course of the service. I choose a good one.
My heart will catch up to my head. This changes the whole "well, my heart is not in it attitude." Again a choice.
Not every service opportunity is for me to take. I need to wait on what God is leading me to do and rely on the Holy Spirit to get me there.
Don't be afraid to go for your DREAMS. Your dreams can lead to service and that can lead to Glorifying the Lord! (I did! Book Club)
I shed the clothes of worrying about what other people think and pressed on to what does The Lord think. Now, this is different than the attitude of "I don't care what people think so I am going to say what I want when I want and act how I want."
I also shed the clothes of DOUBT and well, "she is already good at it so why should I do it?"(Not sure which one word that would be to describe that)
Growing spiritually will always involve risk taking!
and that it can be hard so I gave myself permission to fail. This gave me freedom to try!
The last service that HIT me in the head was being asked to step up in women's ministry at the bible church where we attend. Never in my wildest dreams would have I guessed this one or saw it coming. It was a big commitment. It was asking me to get up extra early to get there for the discipleship class for us leaders to attend. They have a small group meeting before the big group meets. In our leader meeting we share our burdens, successes, questions and anything else we need. They asked us along with the regular bible study to do a separate discipleship private bible study for ourselves. This was to prepare our minds for our small groups. Plus. it was asking me to lead a bunch of girls that I do not know(big gulp). Oh man, I am sweating now just thinking of it. Yes, I have already led them but still my heart skips several beats just mentioning it. At the same time it was calling me to a place of "here I am send me." Calling me to a humble place. To rely upon HIM! That is always good! So I am leading this year in a new place, new girls and a new study. It is frightening yet exciting. You see the Good Girl in me wants to "do good." Be perfect! Ha! Not mess up(ya right)! I am working through my Good Girl syndrome. Ha ha! It is hard to be authentic but oh so worth it! So I am. Resting in HIS grace & guidance.
I really pray & hope you have learned right along with me. If you didn't then please share your wisdom with me. I am still learning in this area of my life. I need all the help I can get. I hope maybe you have looked at service in a different light. That it is not always an event but can be an encounter.
Thank you for your LOVE!