This is day 19 in 31 Days of Serving Others

Yesterday was an amazing day with friends from all walks of life. New ones and old ones! I have a new friend whom I meet once a week to workout with at a local gym. Our kids get along, we get along and even when the hubs are together they get along. Of course it is so much more than just getting along. We truly enjoy each other. We are invested in each others' life. For me this sweet lady and her family has made life easier to transition here to Austin. What a blessing! Anyway, we met up yesterday to workout and then lunch. Is there anything more rewarding than a healthy lunch after a workout? We decided to eat at one of her favorite restaurant's, The Olive Garden. Which just happens to be at the top of my list as well. AHHHH...unlimited salad, soup and breadsticks. I did stay away from the breadsticks. She and her family have had a tough time financially for the past few years. She does not complain or has a negative attitude about it. She holds her head high with God by her side. She is an amazing woman! Beautiful inside and out! So, The Holy Spirit tapped my shoulder, whispered in my ear to pay for her lunch. Trust me 7 bucks is nothing but for folks who struggle 7 bucks is a lot. 7 bucks will buy you milk and bread for the week. 7 bucks can buy your family toliet paper, shampoo or laundry soap. Next time you are in the store look to see how far 7 bucks with take you and your family. I could not have done this 2 years ago or even 1 year ago or 6 months ago. This time I could extend an Olive Branch to give her peace for the day and HOPE for the future.
Now in Greek history an Olive Branch is referenced to war and peace. You can feel free to look that up on your own. However, in the bible during Noah's time with God the Olive Branch meant the flood is over. This is found in the Old Testament for those wanting to do more search on it. You can start in Genesis Chapter 5-6 and read on from there.
For my sweet friend I pray that the flood is over for you and you will see more Olive leaves or branches in your future!
Genesis 8:11 "and the Dove came toward him in the evening, and behold, in her beak was a freshly picked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the water was abated from the earth."
Today, whom do you need to extend an olive leaf/branch to that is going through a flood period time in their life?
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