Monday, October 10, 2011


This is Day 10 in 31 Days of Serving Others

As you know if you have been reading my posts we had a night of Bowling for Nineveh. While I was bowling our waitress would come by to chit chat a bit with me. She had no idea why we were really there. I told her about Nineveh Ministries and the church affiliated with it. We talked about church in general and what her "background" or "experience" has been with the church. We talked about things we loved and stuff we didn't. At this moment in her life she is not attending anywhere or committed to a place. So I invited her to come with us sometime. Maybe she will come maybe not. I did what the Holy Spirit was calling me to do for the moment. That is what matters. Listening to where he leads me. I pray for her. Pray that she will KNOW JESUS not just a building. Hopefully our conversation sparked an interest. Plus her witnessing a group coming together to bowl for a ministry is powerful. That evening alone could impact her. Isn't God so good in the way he works? I think I may need to go bowling again(wink wink).

A simple invitation is service. The next time you are having a conversation with someone whom is looking remember to invite them because you never know what kind if impact they may need in their life. You could be the person to connect them to KNOW LIFE WITH JESUS by giving a simple invite.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this encouragement! My cousins girlfriend and her family recently moved to my city and I had emailed her inviting her to our church. No response. I had just been thinking that I should invite them again. And I will, now that I've been prompted :)
